48 days to go and this is where I’m at.
It’s 21 days since I last ran.
36 days since I ran free of pain and injury.
I can’t remember what it feels like to run.
On Tuesday this week I saw the Sports Medicine doctor and she recommended that I shouldn’t do the event due to the fact that there is a possibility I could hurt the foot again and maybe worse than it already is. I said, “ I hear what you’re saying but....” After outlining all the reasons that I have for wanting to do this event this year she said ok, this is what you need to do to be a chance of being on the start line. She has put me in a moon boot for six weeks, given the ok to do exercise bike and deep water running , sent me to get a blood test to check Vitamin D levels, given me a bunch of stretches to do and booked me to see her again in 3 weeks.
Her main thing was about the danger of re-fracturing but in my mind I am ok with the possibility of a months long recovery. Obviously I’d prefer everything to work out but if the worst case scenario becomes my reality then I’ll accept that with no regrets.
So for the next few weeks I’ll be on the bike and in the water. I really wish our pool was heated but I spose it aint gonna be too warm in the mountains.
Raffy Boy has loved the bike. I like that I can punt on the horses and watch it all on TVN while I ride.

I was very happy to get the boot because it will aid recovery but even better it means I can wear sports uniform to work for the rest of the term.

See there's positives everywhere, you just gotta look really hard or make stuff up.