Thursday, August 25, 2011

It's All Part Of It.

It’s been six months since I felt the pain of a stress fracture in my left foot. For absolute sure I thought I would be running free by now.

I don’t know what’s worse: actual injuries or worrying about minor pain turning into major setbacks. I have had calf issues recently that are now on the mend. That was just an annoyance. I also continue to have some pain in my right foot (the good one). It kind of feels like it could become a big problem but then on other days it feels fine.

Both of these things aint great but the one that I am really fed up with is the fact that every time someone asks how’s the running going, I can’t just say great. I feel like I’m whingeing or making excuses. I know my reality is that pain and injury are part of my current situation but I’m just sick of hearing it all spew out of my own pie hole. So why blog about it? Not sure really....just cause it’s what goes on I spose, gggrrrrrr.......or just cause irony is a hard thing to explain unless you have an example of it.

So what’s good in running right now? Plenty.

·         Went for 15km on Saturday, ran into Sharon, who a while ago thought I was the mental one. She was part way through a 32km training run and encouraged me to turn away from my intended finish line and go get a few more kms with her group. Loved it.

·         Bought a new watch using some remaining vouchers from my birthday. The Garmin 610. It’s a cracker. Has a touchscreen which is kinda neat. One of my kids at school asked, “can you make calls on that thing?”

·         Organised to go for a long run in a few weeks with Micka. He like Sharon will be a first time marathoner at Melbourne October 9. Micka had a blood clot on his brain in 2006 and had surgery and three months off work to recover. He mentions that the people around him, supporting him were amazing, especially his wife Tash. He is now raising money as part of his marathon run. Talk about inspirational!! All money he raises will go to the JMB Foundation. They help those people with brain injuries who can no longer help themselves. If ya wanna send some coin their way via Micka check out his page and read a bit more about his experience.

·         Quite possibly the best thing about running at the moment is ‘Running Club’ at school. For the last two Fridays at 3.30pm myself and 12-20 kids have punched out 5km. This dot point is worthy of a separate blog post. So in the next few weeks I’ll let you know just how much GLOW is produced by a kid choosing to hold off on the DS or FB at the end of the week and going out getting themselves some kms.

Looking back above the dots I wonder why leave in all the negativity about injury, poor me blah blah blah.......but hey, it’s all part of the rich tapestry.

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